
Aliases define a group ports, hosts, or networks. Aliases can be referenced by firewall rules, port forwards, outbound NAT rules, and other places in the firewall.

The page is divided into separate tabs for each type of alias: IP, Ports, URLs, and the All tab which shows every alias in one large list.

Using Hostnames in Aliases

Host and network type aliases support entries consisting of fully qualified domain name (FQDN) style hostnames (e.g. in regular or IDN format. The firewall must be able to resolve the hostname as-is using A or AAAA type DNS queries in order for these entries to function. This means that the firewall must have working DNS, and the FQDN must exist in the DNS servers used by the firewall.

Aliases do not support pattern matches, wildcard matches (e.g. *, or any other style of record comparison.

A hostname entry in a host or network type alias is periodically resolved and updated by the firewall every few minutes. The default interval is 300 seconds (5 minutes), and can be changed by adjusting the value of Aliases Hostnames Resolve Interval on System > Advanced, Firewall & NAT tab. This is useful for tracking dynamic DNS entries to allow specific users into services from dynamic IP addresses.

Alias Settings

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